About Us

Chichester Beekeepers are a dynamic and enthusiastic Division of the West Sussex Beekeepers' Association, with over 200 members currently.   Serving beekeepers in the south west of the county and centred on Chichester, we usually meet on the third Wednesday of every month, offering lectures, guidance and advice on a wide variety of beekeeping subjects. 

We offer an 6-week training course for new beekeepers, held annually in the spring with on-going practical, hands-on training at our Division apiary.   We arrange specialised workshops for those beekeepers keen to develop their skills and in addition produce a lively and informative monthly Newsletter. 


West Sussex Beekeepers’ Association was originally part of the Sussex Beekeepers' Association. 

In 1941 the Chichester and Midhurst Area beekeepers held a General Meeting at which it was agreed that a “Chichester & Midhurst Division of the Sussex Beekeeepers’ Association” be formed. This Division evolved through the years and other Divisions, including Worthing and Wisborough Green and Central Sussex came into existence.  These together now make up the West Sussex Beekeepers’ Association.  The Sussex Beekeepers' Association continues, actively in the east of the county. The meeting referred to above attracted about 60 members and it is interesting that membership of Chichester Division today is more than double that, despite, until recently, the significant decrease in the number of beekeepers both here and throughout the country. 


Our membership is now made up of many new beekeepers as well as highly experienced and skilled beekeepers.   


For more information - click here to send us an email  

Who We Are

Norman Dingemans

President & Apiary Manager
To email Norman
click here 

Graham Elliott

Kevin Breen

Swarm Cordinator & Asian Hornet Action Team (AHAT) Lead

To email Kevin click here

Brian Hose

Newsletter Editor
To email the editor click here

Christine Stevens

Membership Secretary and
WSBKA Convention Organiser

To email Christine click here

Dick Bowyer

Dick Bowyer

Website Manager

To email Dick click here

Graham Elliott

Training Coordinator
To email Graham click here

Alison Terry

Meetings Secretary
To email Alison click here

Cheryl Anwyl

Hon. Secretary
To email the Secretary  click here

Christine Newman

To email the Treasurer  click here

Graham Elliott, Norman Dingemans, Christine Stevens Mike Wagstaff and Dick Bowyer

Training Course Lecturers
To email the training team click here

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