Programme of Chichester Beekeepers' Meetings and other events to be held in 2024
All Chichester evening meetings are on the 3rd Wednesday in the month at 7:30pm to be held at
either Boxgrove Village Hall or on Zoom but usually not both
Meeting Venue:
Boxgrove Village Hall
The Street
Boxgrove, Chichester
PO18 0EE
For Zoom meetings, link will be circulated
to members before the date.
22nd January
Queen rearing
- Dr David Evans aka The Apiarist
19th February
Preparation for a better season
- Dan Basterfield
22nd February
Lodge Hill Centre, Watersfield, Pulborough
19th March
AGM then CBKA projects update on Varroa resistant bees, Yellow-legged Asian Hornet and progress on new association apiary
Boxgrove Village Hall
15th April
The many uses of nucleus hives
- Christine Coulsting
Boxgrove Village Hall
21st May
Communication in bees
- Mary Murdin
Boxgrove Village Hall
West Sussex Beekeepers Association Annual Convention
A one day Beekeeping Convention is held annually at the beginning of the year. It is intended to suit all abilities, and as well as the main lectures, there is a choice of seminars to attend. The last Convention was held on Saturday 22nd February 2025 at Lodge Hill Centre, Watersfield, Pulborough, West Sussex. The next concention will be on Saturday 28h February 2026.